Scumbag Steve

Makes the text too small to see from the thumbnail

Makes the text too small to see from the thumbnail  Scumbag Steve

sees wet cememt draws a dick

sees wet cememt draws a dick  Scumbag Steve

buys new guitar on friday gives i.o.u. in wedding card on saturday

buys new guitar on friday gives i.o.u. in wedding card on saturday  Scumbag Steve

pulls out in front of you proceeds to drive below speed limit

pulls out in front of you proceeds to drive below speed limit  Scumbag Steve

Leaves trash in your car

Leaves trash in your car  Scumbag Steve

Likes a meme you sent him from Reddit uses it as his facebook status taking all the credit

Likes a meme you sent him from Reddit uses it as his facebook status taking all the credit  Scumbag Steve

Forgets to come up with something witty for his cakeday in advance Expects karma anyways

Forgets to come up with something witty for his cakeday in advance Expects karma anyways  Scumbag Steve

Angry about gun regulation... Votes to deny people the right to marry the person they love

Angry about gun regulation... Votes to deny people the right to marry the person they love  Scumbag Steve

Criticizes your unhealthy diet. Buys you pizza and breadsticks for dinner.

Criticizes your unhealthy diet. Buys you pizza and breadsticks for dinner.  Scumbag Steve

Sees little girl chasing water truck Stops and takes picture instead of helping

Sees little girl chasing water truck Stops and takes picture instead of helping  Scumbag Steve
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