Scumbag Steve

Complains about dirty pool water too lazy to pee outside the pool

Complains about dirty pool water too lazy to pee outside the pool  Scumbag Steve

Brings a Grey Goose bottle to a party Filled it with Taaka

Brings a Grey Goose bottle to a party Filled it with Taaka  Scumbag Steve

finishes the toilet paper doesn't replace it and leaves the empty roll

finishes the toilet paper doesn't replace it and leaves the empty roll  Scumbag Steve

finds out you're from Hawaii Asks when you learned to speak English

finds out you're from Hawaii   Asks when you learned to speak English   Scumbag Steve

Makes one of your toaster strudel without asking Uses two icing packets

Makes one of your toaster strudel without asking Uses two icing packets  Scumbag Steve

reads the sidebar rules posts the meme anyway

reads the sidebar rules posts the meme anyway  Scumbag Steve

Leaves laptop open for 4 min changes browser preference to yahoo

Leaves laptop open for 4 min changes browser preference to yahoo  Scumbag Steve

Watching movie with friends Sex scene comes on replays it 5 times

Watching movie with friends
 Sex scene comes on
replays it 5 times  Scumbag Steve

Complains there's no hot food doesn't mind chugging cat food

Complains there's no hot food doesn't mind chugging cat food  Scumbag Steve

Sees me on Reddit Asks why I'm not on 9gag

Sees me on Reddit Asks why I'm not on 9gag  Scumbag Steve
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