Scumbag Steve

Hangs out the passenger side of his best friend's ride TRIES TO HOLLAR AT ME

Hangs out the passenger side of his best friend's ride TRIES TO HOLLAR AT ME  Scumbag Steve

Bravely calls you out in public, based on wrong information Too scared to discuss the issue in private

Bravely calls you out in public, based on wrong information Too scared to discuss the issue in private  Scumbag Steve

Goes to birthday party with no present "My friendship is your present"

Goes to birthday party with no present

Says he's diabetic and can't have salt on his fries "I'll have a large Angus Bacon and Cheese meal with a Coke."

Says he's diabetic and can't have salt on his fries

acts like he's the best at every sport Actually is terrible at sports

acts like he's the best at every sport Actually is terrible at sports  Scumbag Steve

constantly says sexist things about women complains no women wants him.

constantly says sexist things about women complains no women wants him.  Scumbag Steve

Gets caught flirtexting Asks: "What are we doing tonight babe?"

Gets caught flirtexting  Asks:

asks to try skyrim goes on killing spree and saves while your out of the room

asks to try skyrim goes on killing spree and saves while your out of the room  Scumbag Steve

waves you to go first at an intersection rides your ass until he reaches his destination.

waves you to go first at an intersection  rides your ass until he reaches his destination.  Scumbag Steve

Sees you have an incredibly bad day forces you to have a pleasant conversation

Sees you have an incredibly bad day forces you to have a pleasant conversation  Scumbag Steve
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