Scumbag Steve

Pays you back bounces check

Pays you back bounces check  Scumbag Steve

Rights R/Trees in bathroom Posts to reddit for karma

Rights R/Trees in bathroom Posts to reddit for karma  Scumbag Steve

Doesn't try to hide picking his nose on your cough tries to hide wiping his boogers on your couch

Doesn't try to hide picking his nose on your cough tries to hide wiping his boogers on your couch  Scumbag Steve

Puts down Weed Culture Uses Weed Culture Meme

Puts down Weed Culture Uses Weed Culture Meme  Scumbag Steve

sitting next to ashtray throws butt on floor anyway

sitting next to ashtray throws butt on floor anyway  Scumbag Steve

Makes complicated order at restaurant Leaves 5 cent tip

Makes complicated order at restaurant Leaves 5 cent tip  Scumbag Steve

Gets you to play League of Legends. Kill Steals.

Gets you to play League of Legends. Kill Steals.  Scumbag Steve

potluck party for superbowl brings nothing but eats/drinks/over stays welcome anyway

potluck party for superbowl  brings nothing but eats/drinks/over stays welcome anyway  Scumbag Steve

I'm a pro at snappa misses the table every time

I'm a pro at snappa misses the table every time  Scumbag Steve

Yells "Cops are here!" cuts to front of keg line

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