Scumbag Steve

Buys family-sized bag of potato chips hides it from his family

Buys family-sized bag of potato chips hides it from his family  Scumbag Steve

Wants a well done steak in 4 minutes

Wants a well done steak  in 4 minutes  Scumbag Steve

Complains about the city being dirty Throws more trash out the window

Complains about the city being dirty Throws more trash out the window  Scumbag Steve

drops classes after getting financial aid check

drops classes after getting financial aid check  Scumbag Steve

borrows your premium brazzers account gets banned

borrows your premium brazzers account gets banned  Scumbag Steve

wants to get dinner puts 'out of order' sign on computer monitor

wants to get dinner puts 'out of order' sign on computer monitor  Scumbag Steve

"Not to toot my own horn..." toots his own horn

Claims to be a "vaporizer Expert" Only Used Magic Flight Launch Box

Claims to be a

Knows you're trying to study for finals in the library Throws a party in the breezeway

Knows you're trying to study for finals in the library Throws a party in the breezeway   Scumbag Steve

drives you and all of your friends to lunch "I drove you guys, I shouldn't have to pay"

drives you and all of your friends to lunch
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