Scumbag Steve

bro, where's the bathroom? shits in tub, pukes on toilet seat

bro, where's the bathroom? shits in tub, pukes on toilet seat  Scumbag Steve

Tell everyone to back out and get a friend play the game anyways

Tell everyone to back out and get a friend play the game anyways  Scumbag Steve

Yo shut the fuck up I have an exam Titty fucking some blackout chick

Yo shut the fuck up I have an exam Titty fucking some blackout chick  Scumbag Steve

says "helping friend move" meeting 14 year olds on the internet


picks nose booger on your door frame

picks nose booger on your door frame   Scumbag Steve

buys cigar inhales smoke

buys cigar inhales smoke  Scumbag Steve

Sees GGG meme gives downvotes

Sees GGG meme gives downvotes  Scumbag Steve

Trolls omegle asks a/s/l

Trolls omegle asks a/s/l  Scumbag Steve

Always wins trivia Uses iphone every question

Always wins trivia Uses iphone every question  Scumbag Steve

"your sister is in the main bathroom. I'm going to use yours." "Do you have anything to read?"

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