Scumbag Steve

Posts items for sale on Craigslist Too busy to meet you for the transaction

Posts items for sale on Craigslist Too busy to meet you for the transaction  Scumbag Steve

Yeah my girlfriend is way hot You don't know her, she goes to another school

Yeah my girlfriend is way hot You don't know her, she goes to another school  Scumbag Steve

Grandmother lives on pension cheque "Nan, can I borrow $50?"

Grandmother lives on pension cheque

Invites you over to demo his new 3D TV Only has one pair of 3D glasses and doesn't share

Invites you over to demo his new 3D TV Only has one pair of 3D glasses and doesn't share  Scumbag Steve

Wakes you up "Are you awake?"

Wakes you up

Drives past line of cars waiting in turn lane Darts in as soon as light turns green

Drives past line of cars waiting in turn lane Darts in as soon as light turns green  Scumbag Steve

Opens every box in the store "Hey bro can I get this one but one that's not used"

Opens every box in the store

Has tattoos, sleeps around, eats bacon, uses foul language, never goes to church "Don't say 'God Damn It.' It offends my religious views"

Has tattoos, sleeps around, eats bacon, uses foul language, never goes to church

Fails test blames professor

Fails test blames professor  Scumbag Steve

You post amazing link and get no karma at all Reposts the same link as you did and gets more karma

You post amazing link and get no karma at all Reposts the same link as you did and gets more karma  Scumbag Steve
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