Scumbag Steve

Cool, call me back in a few. Doesn't answer for several hours

Cool, call me back in a few. Doesn't answer for several hours  Scumbag Steve

Signs your yearbook Pockets your sharpie

Signs your yearbook Pockets your sharpie  Scumbag Steve

preaches about the dangers of alcohol Drives while stoned

preaches about the dangers of alcohol Drives while stoned  Scumbag Steve

uses kid's birthday gift cards to buy cigarettes and beer

uses kid's birthday gift cards to buy cigarettes and beer  Scumbag Steve

Gets smoked up Steals the leftovers

Gets smoked up Steals the leftovers  Scumbag Steve

borrows bowl for one sesh with guy i know keeps it for a week, later tells me he left it in a closet at a party in someones house i don't know

borrows bowl for one sesh with guy i know keeps it for a week, later tells me he left it in a closet at a party in someones house i don't know  Scumbag Steve

you look away from your food for a millisecond steals it

you look away from your food for a millisecond steals it  Scumbag Steve

offered his truck so that I can move I spend 45 minutes cleaning his shit out first.

offered his truck so that I can move I spend 45 minutes cleaning his shit out first.  Scumbag Steve

toilet occupied in public restroom "hey bro, how much longer you gonna be?"

toilet occupied in public restroom

is invited to closest friend's birthday "yeah, i might drop by"

is invited to closest friend's birthday
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