Scumbag Steve

Criticizes your SHU meme Doesn't make his own

Criticizes your SHU meme Doesn't make his own  Scumbag Steve

offers $5 coupon for your brand of cigarettes Asks for $5

offers $5 coupon for your brand of cigarettes Asks for $5  Scumbag Steve

Makes a list Loses It

Makes a list  Loses It  Scumbag Steve

Finds a really fantastic article and wants to share Posts to reddit under a really uncaptivating title so to prevent anyone from looking at it and to prevent you from posting it under a better one later

Finds a really fantastic article and wants to share Posts to reddit under a really uncaptivating title so to prevent anyone from looking at it and to prevent you from posting it under a better one later  Scumbag Steve

Creates College Meme Page Encourages Wrongful Meme Use

Creates College Meme Page Encourages Wrongful Meme Use  Scumbag Steve

Posts funny comment TO youtube SCREENCAPS IT AND SUBMITS TO REDDIT

Posts funny comment TO youtube SCREENCAPS IT AND SUBMITS TO REDDIT  Scumbag Steve

Borrows your bike to get to school Gets a flat and leaves it at school for a week

Borrows your bike to get to school Gets a flat and leaves it at school for a week  Scumbag Steve

Reposts your adviceanimal with a different advice animal but with the exactly the same text Gets more upvotes

Reposts your adviceanimal with a different advice animal but with the exactly the same text Gets more upvotes  Scumbag Steve

Hates your advice Gives it to someone else

Hates your advice Gives it to someone else  Scumbag Steve

Puts a tl;dr at the end of a story Makes it vague so you have to read the story

Puts a tl;dr at the end of a story Makes it vague so you have to read the story  Scumbag Steve
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