Scumbag Steve

moves on your sister asks to borrow condom

moves on your sister asks to borrow condom  Scumbag Steve

Doesn't know you, adds you on Facebook won't talk to you and constantly spams you with invites you don't care about

Doesn't know you, adds you on Facebook won't talk to you and constantly spams you with invites you don't care about  Scumbag Steve

makes money using a fake non-profit on /r/trees deletes any comments criticizing his action

makes money using a fake non-profit on /r/trees deletes any comments criticizing his action  Scumbag Steve

pools everybody's money, including tips adds just enough of his to pay exact change

pools everybody's money, including tips adds just enough of his to pay exact change  Scumbag Steve

Uses character with no mana or energy Steals blue buff anyways

Uses character with no mana or energy Steals blue buff anyways  Scumbag Steve

IGNORES anti SOPA protestors for 3 months wikipedia blackouts, suddenly becomes devoted anti sopa protestor

IGNORES anti SOPA protestors for 3 months wikipedia blackouts, suddenly becomes devoted anti sopa protestor   Scumbag Steve

finally tell friend that love her then laugh

finally tell friend that love her then laugh  Scumbag Steve

uses your bathroom pees all over the seat and doesn't clean up

uses your bathroom pees all over the seat and doesn't clean up  Scumbag Steve

owes you $5 pays in installments

owes you $5 pays in installments  Scumbag Steve

attends lecture watches worldstar videos entire time

attends lecture watches worldstar videos entire time  Scumbag Steve
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