Scumbag Steve

Constantly makes fun of fat people calls a girl high maintenance when she orders a salad

Constantly makes fun of fat people calls a girl high maintenance when she orders a salad  Scumbag Steve

Gets drunk and pisses on your couch Goes home before you wake up

Gets drunk and pisses on your couch Goes home before you wake up  Scumbag Steve

brother dies perfect opportunity for some karma

brother dies perfect opportunity for some karma  Scumbag Steve

the most famous scumbag on the internet tries to capitalize on the attention

the most famous scumbag on the internet tries to capitalize on the attention  Scumbag Steve

Squeaks past guy in wheelchair in line for bathroom Uses handicap stall

Squeaks past guy in wheelchair in line for bathroom Uses handicap stall  Scumbag Steve

Has sex with his girlfriend in the shower of the main bathroom has his own bathroom

Has sex with his girlfriend in the shower of the main bathroom has his own bathroom  Scumbag Steve

Notices you standing next to fire Throws diesel fuel into fire

Notices you standing next to fire Throws diesel fuel into fire  Scumbag Steve

Sets alarm for 8:30 AM Sleeps through it

Sets alarm for 8:30 AM Sleeps through it  Scumbag Steve

Refuses to buy their own butter because they don't eat it Eats your butter

Refuses to buy their own butter because they don't eat it Eats your butter  Scumbag Steve

Sees Personal Attack in Basement Gives Infraction

Sees Personal Attack in Basement Gives Infraction  Scumbag Steve
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