Scumbag Steve

Drunk at 2 in the morning Time to go to Jimmy Johns

Drunk at 2 in the morning Time to go to Jimmy Johns  Scumbag Steve

Goes to NCSU 'I'm a Duke Basketball Fan'

Goes to NCSU 'I'm a Duke Basketball Fan'  Scumbag Steve

invited to pregame knocks like an ra

invited to pregame knocks like an ra  Scumbag Steve

Roots for Duke Has No chance of going there

Roots for Duke Has No chance of going there  Scumbag Steve

Texts an emergency alert -See TCNJ email for more details

Texts an emergency alert -See TCNJ email for more details  Scumbag Steve

sets fire alarm off in dormroom runs to the sub

sets fire alarm off in dormroom runs to the sub  Scumbag Steve

Borrowed your TV for the super bowl the next super bowl

Borrowed your TV for the super bowl the next super bowl  Scumbag Steve

Finishes your cereal puts empty box back in cabinet

Finishes your cereal puts empty box back in cabinet  Scumbag Steve

Breaks up with girlfriend on Valentines day because shes not christian enough Starts dating a new girl the same day

Breaks up with girlfriend on Valentines day because shes not christian enough Starts dating a new girl the same day  Scumbag Steve

Says "No Offense" guaranteeing offensiveness

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