Scumbag Steve

calls you and says hes outside waiting doesnt show up for 15 more minutes

calls you and says hes outside waiting doesnt show up for 15 more minutes   Scumbag Steve

Fills up water bottle at the gym drops ass at the water fountain

Fills up water bottle at the gym drops ass at the water fountain  Scumbag Steve

Drives behind you on the highway for 20 miles with his high beams on Doesn't turn them off for the other 20 miles

Drives behind you on the highway for 20 miles with his high beams on Doesn't turn them off for the other 20 miles  Scumbag Steve

national tragedy happens without any evidence of who's responsible Makes comments about "obama and his muslim friends" being the cause

national tragedy  happens without any evidence of who's responsible Makes comments about

Sees someone going to sit next to him on bus "spills" water on the seat

Sees someone going to sit next to him on bus

Has had 4 girlfriends 3 are now lesbian

Has had 4 girlfriends 3 are now lesbian
  Scumbag Steve

Decides to use the heightened paranoia of bombings to report a bomb in a building where his test is going to take place in.

Decides to use the heightened paranoia  of bombings to report a bomb in a building where his test is going to take place in.  Scumbag Steve

Math professor says there's review before the final tomrrow Doesn't Post Time and place

Math professor says there's review before the final tomrrow Doesn't Post Time and place  Scumbag Steve

Sees that you want go ahead of them Slows down in front of you

Sees that you want go ahead of them Slows down in front of you  Scumbag Steve

Invented the word soccer Makes fun of Americans for calling it soccer

Invented the word soccer Makes fun of Americans for calling it soccer  Scumbag Steve
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