Scumbag Steve

"mom" tattooed on his arm never visits her

sees pic of toilet with shit on top in retail bathroom Spreads shit all over local retail bathroom for karma

sees pic of toilet with shit on top in retail bathroom Spreads shit all over local retail bathroom for karma  Scumbag Steve

Dating super- awesome girl who's totally into him Seeing his ex behind her back

Dating super- awesome girl who's totally into him Seeing his ex behind her back  Scumbag Steve

sees that you're driving towards him at night better keep my high beams on

sees that you're driving towards him at night better keep my high beams on  Scumbag Steve

listens to music on your speakers never lets you choose songs

listens to music on your speakers never lets you choose songs  Scumbag Steve

You need to remember to set your alarm clock So you aren't late for work in the morning.

You need to remember to set your alarm clock So you aren't late for work in the morning.  Scumbag Steve

Gets hammered while under-aged Expects friend who is not even involved to drive him home... at midnight... on a thursday

Gets hammered while under-aged Expects friend who is not even involved to drive him home... at midnight... on a thursday  Scumbag Steve

Knows his brother is trying to catch up on some sleep after all nighter helps him by playing the drums, vacuuming, and yelling at FIFA

Knows his brother is trying to catch up on some sleep after all nighter helps him by playing the drums, vacuuming, and yelling at FIFA   Scumbag Steve

Asks to play Black Ops on your account while you're at work Banned from network

Asks to play Black Ops on your account while you're at work Banned from network  Scumbag Steve

Goes to r/FreeKarma Downvotes every single post.

Goes to r/FreeKarma Downvotes every single post.  Scumbag Steve
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