Scumbag Steve

Thinks his jokes are hilarious Is actually an asshole

Thinks his jokes are hilarious Is actually an asshole  Scumbag Steve

"Goin' somewhere bro?" Blocks doorway

Jealous of girlfriend Cheats on her

Jealous of girlfriend Cheats on her  Scumbag Steve

Orders 3 Patron shots on your tab and doesn't give you one We're even bro

Orders 3 Patron shots on your tab and doesn't give you one We're even bro  Scumbag Steve

Rants about being Atheist Celebrates Christmas

Rants about being Atheist Celebrates Christmas  Scumbag Steve

Wants to water down GGG takes scumbag steve comic and adds "doesn't" to front of bottom line

Wants to water down GGG takes scumbag steve comic and adds

Has no college background tries to be a corpsman

Has no college background tries to be a corpsman  Scumbag Steve

Gets a free bowl full of Dank from you for free Tells you the weed is shit

Gets a free bowl full of Dank from you for free Tells you the weed is shit
  Scumbag Steve


we are the 99% goes Europe every summer and winter break.

we are the 99% goes Europe every summer and winter break.  Scumbag Steve
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