Scumbag Steve

Likes Furry Underwear On Your Mom

Likes Furry Underwear On Your Mom  Scumbag Steve

Signup for clipper autoload leaves me stranded with no $$$ on card

Signup for clipper autoload leaves me stranded with no $$$ on card  Scumbag Steve

makes ggg about not making ggg

makes ggg about not making  ggg  Scumbag Steve

Hears that you're sick and will watch tv Steals TV

Hears that you're sick and will watch tv Steals TV  Scumbag Steve

throws a jelly baby on your windshield for tailgating posts to reddit about it in awful colors on a dark background

throws a jelly baby on your windshield for tailgating posts to reddit about it in awful colors on a dark background  Scumbag Steve

Has big outage Resolved by the time you get to the office to fix it

Has big outage Resolved by the time you get to the office to fix it  Scumbag Steve

Drinks the last cup of water out of pitcher Puts empty Water pitcher back in the Fridge

Drinks the last cup of water out of pitcher Puts empty Water pitcher back in the Fridge  Scumbag Steve

Offers you a starburst only yellow ones are left

Offers you a starburst only yellow ones are left  Scumbag Steve

I will smoke you out bro. Come over. Dude text me before you come over next time.

I will smoke you out bro. Come over. Dude text me before you  come over next time.  Scumbag Steve

Too cheap to buy a lift ticket Good thing Trivette has trays

Too cheap to buy a lift ticket Good thing Trivette has trays  Scumbag Steve
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