Scumbag Steve

only calls when he wants something doesn't invite you to his party

only calls when he wants something doesn't invite you to his party  Scumbag Steve

Sets Really Early Alarm Hits Snooze 5 Times

Sets Really Early Alarm Hits Snooze 5 Times  Scumbag Steve

"Nice to meet you" you've already met about fifty times.

gets a tattoo of a chinese symbol, his last name, and a skull

gets a tattoo of a chinese symbol, his last name, and a skull   Scumbag Steve

Pretends to be focused on something until you stop trying to get his attention

Pretends to be focused on something until you stop trying to get his attention  Scumbag Steve

Has show "Doctor Phil" Not actually a Doctor

Has show

"borrows" all your red cups for beer pong never lets you have a turn

Describes own behavior For karma

Describes own behavior For karma  Scumbag Steve

relative dies trades them in for karma

relative dies trades them in for karma  Scumbag Steve

makes youtube video about "kony" Donations being sent to him

makes youtube video about
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