Scumbag Steve

has sex with your sister tells you every single detail

has sex with your sister tells you every single detail   Scumbag Steve

"Bro, can I come inside to take a piss?" stays for half an hour, steals stuff from your room and takes a bunch of food with him when he finally leaves

i dont have time for a job,bro facebook has 500 pictures of him at the club

i dont have time for a job,bro facebook has 500 pictures of him at the club   Scumbag Steve

Calls out reddit GW girls Gets none bitches about reddit

Calls out reddit GW girls
Gets none bitches about
reddit  Scumbag Steve

Insults me on GCHAT... Then disconnects before I can answer.

Insults me on GCHAT... Then disconnects before I can answer.  Scumbag Steve

stared r/jailbait whats the big deal guys?

stared r/jailbait whats the big deal guys?  Scumbag Steve

Fixes existing bug Introduces 10 new ones

Fixes existing bug Introduces 10 new ones  Scumbag Steve

"Yeah dude, I'm down for whatever." Not down for whatever

Has good social skills Submit SAP about people he knows to get karma

Has good social skills Submit SAP about people he knows to get karma  Scumbag Steve

Pulls a prank that ends up hurting someone. "chill dude, it was just a joke."

Pulls a prank that ends up hurting someone.
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