Scumbag Steve

"I'll call you back in five minutes." Never calls

has retarded brother whores not whoring him out for karma

has retarded brother whores not whoring him out for karma  Scumbag Steve

posts deal downvotes similar deals

posts deal downvotes similar deals  Scumbag Steve

Downvotes all other new posts In an attempt to get his post flare

Downvotes all other new posts In an attempt to get his post flare  Scumbag Steve

Knows girl is in relationship Hits on her anyways

Knows girl is in relationship Hits on her anyways  Scumbag Steve

sees you holding door for him stops right in front of door to talk to his friend

sees you holding door for him stops right in front of door to talk to his friend  Scumbag Steve

4 other open stalls shits in one right next to you

4 other open stalls shits in one right next to you  Scumbag Steve

you help plan Kickback with him Uninvited you to invite other people

you help plan Kickback with him Uninvited you to invite other people  Scumbag Steve

doesn't suggest anywhere to eat complains about the place you pick

doesn't suggest anywhere to eat complains about the place you pick  Scumbag Steve

Enters library red zone Answers phone

Enters library red zone Answers phone  Scumbag Steve
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