Scumbag Steve

farts leaves the room

farts leaves the room  Scumbag Steve

Goes double negative says hes high

Goes double negative says hes high  Scumbag Steve

Says he'll do most difficult part of project drops class day before it's due

Says he'll do most difficult part of project drops class day before it's due  Scumbag Steve

sees you are extremely sunburned slaps you on the back

sees you are extremely sunburned slaps you on the back  Scumbag Steve

MEME blows up on the internet Makes a music video after lunch to sell on itunes for $0.99 to capitalize

MEME blows up on the internet Makes a music video after lunch to sell on itunes for $0.99 to capitalize  Scumbag Steve

'hey can i bum one from you bro?' has an unopened pack in his pocket.

'hey can i bum one from you bro?' has an unopened pack in his pocket.  Scumbag Steve

You line up to launch your drive Rips an epic fart in the middle of your backswing

You line up to launch your drive Rips an epic fart in the middle of your backswing  Scumbag Steve

Introduces friend to reddit Calls friend cancer when he finally gets into it

Introduces friend to reddit Calls friend cancer when he finally gets into it  Scumbag Steve

Saw this movie already Ruins the ending for everyone

Saw this movie already Ruins the ending for everyone  Scumbag Steve

ask what edm stands for goes to edc

ask what edm stands for goes to edc  Scumbag Steve
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