Scumbag Steve

Compliment him on something Criticizes your compliment

Compliment him on something Criticizes your compliment  Scumbag Steve

makes scumbag meme about marijuana

makes scumbag meme about marijuana  Scumbag Steve

ex comes round to collect her stuff sells her cigarettes for a 5er

ex comes round to collect her stuff sells her cigarettes for a 5er  Scumbag Steve

Starts huge fight with parents so he can crash at your house Roots through all your shit

Starts huge fight with parents so he can crash at your house Roots through all your shit  Scumbag Steve

people leave integral gaming to start own community ddos

people leave integral gaming to start own community ddos  Scumbag Steve

Promises to buy girlfriend something pretty next paycheck Buys bmx parts instead

Promises to buy girlfriend something pretty next paycheck Buys bmx parts instead  Scumbag Steve

Tells her girlfriend she is fat proposes sex to burn calories

Tells her girlfriend she is fat proposes sex to burn calories  Scumbag Steve

Asks you to list every option available Waits until you're finished and asks for something you didn't list.

Asks you to list every option available Waits until you're finished and asks for something you didn't list.  Scumbag Steve

Says "I don't mean to be racist" Says something completely racist


makes fun of your associates degree has no degree

makes fun of your associates degree has no degree  Scumbag Steve
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