Scumbag Steve

corrects grammar and spelling on r/drunk

corrects grammar and spelling on r/drunk  Scumbag Steve

parks to roll a blunt in a handicapped space

parks to roll a blunt in a handicapped space  Scumbag Steve

Talks about how cool being poor is. makes fun of you for being poor

Talks about how cool being poor is. makes fun of you for being poor  Scumbag Steve

racist towards black people listens to rap music

racist towards black people listens to rap music  Scumbag Steve

Gets invited to party Trashes house and steals hosts phone

Gets invited to party  Trashes house and steals hosts phone  Scumbag Steve

plays with you plays longest songs ever

plays with you plays longest songs ever  Scumbag Steve

offers to drive a drunk guy home from a party finds the guy's iphone in the car and sells it

offers to drive a drunk guy home from a party finds the guy's iphone in the car and sells it  Scumbag Steve

Sees you have sunburn slaps it

Sees you have sunburn slaps it  Scumbag Steve

says he just wants to rp calls a b-mod on you

says he just wants to rp calls a b-mod on you  Scumbag Steve

Fuck Obamacare! still on parents' insurance

Fuck Obamacare! still on parents' insurance  Scumbag Steve
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