Scumbag Steve

thinks obese, unhealthy women are hot

thinks obese, unhealthy women are hot   Scumbag Steve

Wants nhl to be more popular makes fun of fans who can't afford $300 jerseys

Wants nhl to be more popular makes fun of fans who can't afford $300 jerseys  Scumbag Steve

complains about high movie ticket prices talks through out the whole movie

complains about high movie ticket prices talks through out the whole movie  Scumbag Steve

City he lives in has a sports team Supports the opposing team but knows nothing about the sport

City he lives in has a sports team Supports the opposing team but knows nothing about the sport   Scumbag Steve

Sells Shirt Makes Limited Edition Shirt

Sells Shirt Makes Limited Edition Shirt  Scumbag Steve

yo i got a condom pregnant

yo i got a condom pregnant  Scumbag Steve

shitty meme gets downvoted disown, bitches!

shitty meme gets downvoted disown, bitches!  Scumbag Steve

hack psn network say it's in the best interest of all psn users

hack psn network say it's in the best interest of all psn users  Scumbag Steve

downvoting emperor? come at me bro I eat greeks for breakfast

downvoting emperor? come at me bro I eat greeks for breakfast  Scumbag Steve

his friend throws up in your apartment refuses to clean it

his friend throws up in your apartment refuses to clean it  Scumbag Steve
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