Scumbag Steve

Hooks up with blacked out girl he met at the bar. Sneaks out in the middle of the night so she thinks she went home alone.

Hooks up with blacked out girl he met at the bar. Sneaks out in the middle of the night so she thinks she went home alone.   Scumbag Steve

spends all day on reddit bitches about how there are no jobs

spends all day on reddit bitches about how there are no jobs  Scumbag Steve

Can I have a cup for water? Pours fountain drink

Can I have a cup for water? Pours fountain drink  Scumbag Steve

refuses to sing any iron maiden because his voice is not high enough wants to sing adele

refuses to sing any iron maiden because his voice is not high enough wants to sing adele  Scumbag Steve

Too busy to visit gf who is going through emergency surgery to save her life Takes off 3 days to support ex-wife who is checking into rehab

Too busy to visit gf who is going through emergency surgery to save her life Takes off 3 days to support ex-wife who is checking into rehab  Scumbag Steve

Asks if he can take a quick leak before you shit pisses all over the seat

Asks if he can take a quick leak before you shit pisses all over the seat  Scumbag Steve

Says he packed his suitcase didn't

Says he packed his suitcase didn't  Scumbag Steve

Hey Bro got a light? ...and a smoke?

Hey Bro got a light? ...and a smoke?  Scumbag Steve

watches a comedy movie with you repeats every funny line as soon as he hears it

watches a comedy movie with you repeats every funny line as soon as he hears it  Scumbag Steve

Gets done with his final before you takes back that pencil you borrowed from him before you're done

Gets done with his final before you takes back that pencil you borrowed from him before you're done  Scumbag Steve
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