Scumbag Steve

Runs out of water at gym Holds up drinking fountain for 10 minutes refilling bottle

Runs out of water at gym Holds up drinking fountain for 10 minutes refilling bottle  Scumbag Steve

"Why do townies hate us?" Pees on townie's lawn

Doesn't get a date for Valentine's day tries to ruin it for everyone else

Doesn't get a date for Valentine's day tries to ruin it for everyone else  Scumbag Steve

abled pushes handicap button at every doorway anyway

abled pushes handicap button at every doorway anyway  Scumbag Steve

party at marks flips table

party at marks flips table  Scumbag Steve

Graffiti Lammers Hall Chicken's out and doesn't take credit

Graffiti Lammers Hall Chicken's out and doesn't take credit  Scumbag Steve

Asks for a beer "Awww Coors light?"

Asks for a beer

Tells you a story Finishes with "You had to be there"

Tells you a story Finishes with

NICE SWEATER BRO. turns you around and yanks tag to see if its authentic.

NICE SWEATER BRO. turns you around and yanks tag to see if its authentic.  Scumbag Steve

"yeah I can dj your party" brings rufinol

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