Scumbag Steve

"Dude, it's stupid to smoke, cigarettes are so bad for you" Smokes a tonne of weed

Drives Trashtruck from Perry County Dumps it in Harrisburg

Drives Trashtruck from Perry County Dumps it in Harrisburg  Scumbag Steve

Leaves all the lights on when he leaves Complains about the electric bill every month

Leaves all the lights on when he leaves Complains about the electric bill every month  Scumbag Steve

Joins Xbox Live Party Decides to blar bad music the entire time

Joins Xbox Live Party Decides to blar bad music the entire time  Scumbag Steve

Uses Livememe doesn't animate anything

Uses Livememe doesn't animate anything  Scumbag Steve

has relationship with girl only because of her looks gets what he wanted, he dumps her and when she moves on he calls her a bitch.

has relationship with girl only because of her looks gets what he wanted, he dumps her and when she moves on he calls her a bitch.  Scumbag Steve

cheats on you claims you can't get angry because he broke up with you in his mind

cheats on you claims you can't get angry because he broke up with you in his mind  Scumbag Steve

will likely never give the boston cowboy the coverage and recognition he deserves because doing so would require shedding light on the real injury they cropped out of all the photos

will likely never give the boston cowboy the coverage and recognition he deserves because doing so would require shedding light on the real injury they cropped out of all the photos  Scumbag Steve

Close enough to the Boston Marathon bomb to be knocked down and doesn't get hurt Finishes the race instead of helping dozens of critically injured people

Close enough to the Boston Marathon bomb to be knocked down and doesn't get hurt Finishes the race instead of helping dozens of critically injured people  Scumbag Steve

grabs new batteries drops the used ones in with the rest of the fresh ones

grabs new batteries drops the used ones in with the rest of the fresh ones  Scumbag Steve
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