Scumbag Steve

Becomes atheist cuz of hateful close-minded ppl hates all Christians

Becomes atheist cuz of hateful close-minded ppl hates all Christians  Scumbag Steve

Borrows your car Steals all your change

Borrows your car Steals all your change  Scumbag Steve

Borrows your grinder smokes four months' worth of kief you had collected

Borrows your grinder smokes four months' worth of kief you had collected  Scumbag Steve

chips in for $60 cab fare $3.50

chips in for $60 cab fare $3.50  Scumbag Steve

Who gets an annoying song stuck in your head as soon as you've forgotten about it? Scumbag Steve! Scumbag Steve!

Who gets an annoying song stuck in your head as soon as you've forgotten about it? Scumbag Steve! Scumbag Steve!  Scumbag Steve

Sees you pick up $20 Has anyone seen $20

Sees you pick up $20 Has anyone seen $20  Scumbag Steve

standing next to a blind person at a crosswalk starts making beeping noises

standing next to a blind person at a crosswalk starts making beeping noises   Scumbag Steve

says dad has cancer on /r/aww says he was lying on /r/imgoingtohellforthis

says dad has cancer on /r/aww says he was lying on /r/imgoingtohellforthis  Scumbag Steve

moves out of dorm room before you leaves half of his stuff for you to clean up

moves out of dorm room before you leaves half of his stuff for you to clean up  Scumbag Steve

Sex with girl on her period. uses your towel. hangs it back up.

Sex with girl on her period. uses your towel. hangs it back up.  Scumbag Steve
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