Scumbag Steve

Points out good guy gregs unibrow Distracts you from the meme

Points out good guy gregs unibrow Distracts you from the meme  Scumbag Steve

Congratulations You smell the fart i let go earlier

Congratulations You smell the fart i let go earlier  Scumbag Steve

Finally stops looking at videos on youtube all day takes tables and brags about getting big tips instead of jumping in the kitchen to help us

Finally stops looking at videos on youtube all day takes tables and brags about getting big tips instead of jumping in the kitchen to help us  Scumbag Steve

is a post referencing the recent front page trends gets upvoted to front page causing the referenced posts to be lost forever!!

is a post referencing the recent front page trends gets upvoted to front page causing the referenced posts to be lost forever!!  Scumbag Steve

Begs you to buy his weed because he needs money "Dude, pack a bowl"

Begs you to buy his weed because he needs money

asks you to join him for a smoke in the freezing rain so he doesn't have to suffer alone plays on his cell phone the whole time

asks you to join him for a smoke in the freezing rain so he doesn't have to suffer alone plays on his cell phone the whole time  Scumbag Steve

Asks for a sip of water Chugs the entire bottle

Asks for a sip of water Chugs the entire bottle  Scumbag Steve

Makes fun of the area I'm moving to Determines my salary

Makes fun of the area I'm moving to Determines my salary  Scumbag Steve

moves into his grandmother's house and won't leave trying to slowly poison her because he thinks he'll inherit the house

moves into his grandmother's house and won't leave trying to slowly poison her because he thinks he'll inherit the house  Scumbag Steve

Says "treat others how you would like to be treated" Cancels on you at the last minute because a better offer came along

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