Scumbag Steve

Erases something on paper Blows eraser shavings on your desk

Erases something on paper Blows eraser shavings on your desk  Scumbag Steve

I will crush you all so bad I learned to make meme so that I could tell you

I will crush 
you all so bad I learned to make meme
so that I could tell you  Scumbag Steve

posts a picture of a recently deceased family member to reddit did it for the karma

posts a picture of a recently deceased family member to reddit did it for the karma  Scumbag Steve

Doesn't wash his hands after just masturbating

Doesn't wash his hands after just masturbating  Scumbag Steve

gets upvoted in /r/adviceanimals neither offers advice nor is an animal

gets upvoted in /r/adviceanimals neither offers advice nor is an animal  Scumbag Steve

Thinks peeing in the shower is grose cums in the shower

Thinks peeing in the shower is grose cums in  the shower  Scumbag Steve

Lines the toilet seat with tp when taking a shit Pisses with the seat down

Lines the toilet seat with tp when taking a shit Pisses with the seat down  Scumbag Steve

Lives in a places where it rains 9 months out of the year forgets how to drive in the rain when it's dry for two weeks

Lives in a places where it rains 9 months out of the year forgets how to drive in the rain when it's dry for two weeks  Scumbag Steve

Sits down to watch football game with you Only talks and cheers about his fantasy team throughout the game

Sits down to watch football game with you Only talks and cheers about his fantasy team throughout the game  Scumbag Steve

Begin with "I know this is going to get downvoted into oblivion" Because Guilt

Begin with
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