Scumbag Steve

Makes a rap song talking about his hard life Upper Middle Class

Makes a rap song talking about his hard life Upper Middle Class  Scumbag Steve

Tells Test Alliance they are here for gudfights Incaps jumpbridge before IHUB in 1SMEB comes out of reinforce mode

Tells Test Alliance they are here for gudfights Incaps jumpbridge before IHUB in 1SMEB comes out of reinforce mode  Scumbag Steve

Beat him in arm wrestling "Oh, you wanted me to try?"

Beat him in arm wrestling

Snowing in October "Global warming is fake bro."

Snowing in October

Didn't get striker No problem, I'l play as an attacking CB

Didn't get striker No problem, I'l play as an attacking CB  Scumbag Steve

puff puff puff

puff puff puff  Scumbag Steve

200 New Movies 190 are obscure Asian and Bollywood direct-to-DVD losers

200 New Movies 190 are obscure Asian and Bollywood direct-to-DVD losers  Scumbag Steve

Hey guys i have something to tell you next week Could totally tell you right now

Hey guys i have something to tell you next week Could totally tell you right now  Scumbag Steve

complains about trees not being legal doesnt vote to legalize cause he thinks it wont pass

complains about trees not being legal doesnt vote to legalize cause he thinks it wont pass  Scumbag Steve

Knows you don't smoke smokes in your car anyway

Knows you don't smoke smokes in your car anyway  Scumbag Steve
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