Scumbag Steve

Complains about campers Runs around with dual FMG9's

Complains about campers Runs around with dual FMG9's  Scumbag Steve

Sees construction ahead Rushes to the front of the line cutting off everyone who has already got over

Sees construction ahead Rushes to the front of the line cutting off everyone who has already got over  Scumbag Steve

Gets smoked out 'Bro I'm not high, must be your weed'

Gets smoked out 'Bro I'm not high, must be your weed'  Scumbag Steve

Comes over to drink steals all your toiletries while you sleep

Comes over to drink steals all your toiletries while you sleep  Scumbag Steve

Needs help with his computer Doesn't release mouse control when you remote in.

Needs help with his computer Doesn't release mouse control when you remote in.  Scumbag Steve

you get a ps4 and play it at his house he intentionally gets grounded and keeps it for a month

you get a ps4 and play it at his house he intentionally gets grounded and keeps it for a month  Scumbag Steve

you put two hands up for a double high-five puts one hand up and makes you look like an idiot

you put two hands up for a double high-five puts one hand up and makes you look like an idiot  Scumbag Steve

Frail elderly woman sits in his seat by mistake Makes her move because he wants the window seat

Frail elderly woman sits in his seat by mistake Makes her move because he wants the window seat  Scumbag Steve

Asks for the grinder so he can press the kief into hash Smokes it while you have your back turned

Asks for the grinder so he can press the kief into hash Smokes it while you have your back turned  Scumbag Steve

Smokes you and your friends out Steals your money after you pass out and leaves

Smokes you and your friends out Steals your money after you pass out and leaves  Scumbag Steve
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