Scumbag Steve

Holds two jobs to earn money so he can afford a home for his longtime girlfriend and child err... wait a minute

Holds two jobs to earn money so he can afford a home for his longtime girlfriend and child err... wait a minute  Scumbag Steve

Saw a shocking scene in a popular television show "Better post about this on Facebook!"

Saw a shocking scene in a popular television show

Offers to smoke out large group of people with your weed

Offers to smoke out large group of people with your weed  Scumbag Steve

All picks and bans are in with 5 seconds left on the timer. leaves lobby

All picks and bans are in with 5 seconds left on the timer. leaves lobby  Scumbag Steve

Smokes with Michael Phelps Takes his picture and posts it

Smokes with Michael Phelps Takes his picture and posts it  Scumbag Steve

Sees overweight person jogging for their health "Hey, the ice cream truck went the other way!"

Sees overweight person jogging for their health

Asks for RNG'd team Changes mind after you finish

Asks for RNG'd team Changes mind after you finish  Scumbag Steve

Comes over to toke with you Clears entire bong bowl in one hit then leaves

Comes over to toke with you Clears entire bong bowl in one hit then leaves  Scumbag Steve

"Oh dude, your pokemon is evolving!" Presses B.

spends night in jail talks about being on the inside

spends night in jail talks about being on the inside  Scumbag Steve
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