Scumbag Steve

Starts arguing about something benign "Dude it's not a big deal" when you reply

Starts arguing about something benign

Shops At Office Depot

Shops At Office Depot  Scumbag Steve

Demands to go to Cheesesteak Shop Doesn't order a cheesesteak

Demands to go to Cheesesteak Shop Doesn't order a cheesesteak  Scumbag Steve

"Lux support" Builds Deathcap

Dude, you'll go to hell for saying goddamn Hey, there's a broken-down car beside the road. Let's see if there's anything worth stealing inside!

Dude, you'll go to hell for saying goddamn Hey, there's a broken-down car beside the road.  Let's see if there's anything worth stealing inside!  Scumbag Steve

Gets Hit in Dodgeball Keeps playing

Gets Hit in Dodgeball Keeps playing  Scumbag Steve

We did Acid AND LSD After we hotboxed a friendly's

We did Acid AND LSD After we hotboxed a friendly's  Scumbag Steve

Tailgates you With high beams on

Tailgates you With high beams on  Scumbag Steve

Hates your music Hates when you wear headphones because he can't talk to you

Hates your music Hates when you wear headphones because he can't talk to you  Scumbag Steve

catches you fapping without you knowing records and posts on facebook

catches you fapping without you knowing records and posts on facebook  Scumbag Steve
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