Scumbag Steve

Claims your music from the 70's sucks Listens to Nickelback

Claims your music from the 70's sucks Listens to Nickelback  Scumbag Steve

drinks the last of the milk leaves the carton in the fridge

drinks the last of the milk leaves the carton in the fridge  Scumbag Steve

Complains about leavers and AFK during champion pick Leaves after 5 minutes

Complains about leavers and AFK during champion pick Leaves after 5 minutes  Scumbag Steve

uses more than one icing packet on toaster strudel ruins the last strudels for everyone else

uses more than one icing packet on toaster strudel ruins the last strudels for everyone else  Scumbag Steve

Open car window One big trashcan

Open car window One big trashcan  Scumbag Steve

Vows never to speak again of pissing on mates dog Tells Reddit about it

Vows never to speak again of pissing on mates dog Tells Reddit about it  Scumbag Steve

I'd make a great lawyer I love to argue, bro

I'd  make a great lawyer I love to argue, bro  Scumbag Steve

Always eats your appetizers never orders any for you

Always eats your appetizers never orders any for you  Scumbag Steve

gets a hickey wears a v-neck shirt for the next three days to make sure everyone sees

gets a hickey wears a v-neck shirt for the next three days to make sure everyone sees  Scumbag Steve

Sees that you're on the internet picks up phone

Sees that you're on the internet picks up phone  Scumbag Steve
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