Scumbag Steve

Hypes up $500 freeroll for r/poker only forgets

Hypes up $500 freeroll for r/poker only forgets  Scumbag Steve

Arkansas beats #9 team in the nation Drops down a place anyway

Arkansas beats #9 team in the nation Drops down a place anyway  Scumbag Steve

Come say that to my face Dude get out of my face

Come say that to my face Dude get out of my face  Scumbag Steve

"yeah sure bro ill buy a bag for you" steals half the weed and soaks the rest in alcohol, then refuses to pay you back

Says he hates niggers, only listens to rap.

Says he hates niggers, only listens to rap.   Scumbag Steve

Plays Marco polo never says polo

Plays Marco polo never says polo  Scumbag Steve

Makes a rap song MCA dies

Makes a rap song MCA dies  Scumbag Steve

Agrees to bring napkins and silverware All stolen from Subway

Agrees to bring napkins and silverware All stolen from Subway  Scumbag Steve

Plays Teemo

 Plays Teemo  Scumbag Steve

Shows friend 1st episode of game of thrones the weekend before midterms

Shows friend 1st episode of game of thrones the weekend before midterms  Scumbag Steve
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