Scumbag Steve

Sells weed to his mom Shorts her

Sells weed to his mom Shorts her  Scumbag Steve

player gets 60 points, 12 assists, 1 reb blasts him on twitter that he's not working hard enough on the boards

player gets 60 points, 12 assists, 1 reb blasts him on twitter that he's not working hard enough on the boards  Scumbag Steve

tells you he's coming over to smoke a blunt passes you the roach when he gets there

tells you he's coming over to smoke a blunt passes you the roach when he gets there  Scumbag Steve

calls his teammates bad facechecks bush at 50 minutes, instantly dying and throwing the game

calls his teammates bad facechecks bush at 50 minutes, instantly dying and throwing the game  Scumbag Steve

Stays at your place and gets smoked out Waits until you fall asleep and steals all your weed

Stays at your place and gets smoked out Waits until you fall asleep and steals all your weed  Scumbag Steve

makes post about being unemployed and in the 99% was fired because of browsing reddit all day

makes post about being unemployed and in the 99%  was fired because of browsing reddit all day  Scumbag Steve

eats all the cereal puts empty box back in pantry

eats all the cereal puts empty box back in pantry  Scumbag Steve

Sees you snorkeling Dumps water into your snorkel

Sees you snorkeling Dumps water into your snorkel  Scumbag Steve

starts sentence by saying "no offense..." proceeds to offend

starts sentence by saying

Beats a mission on your game. Acts like he did you a favor.

Beats a mission on your game. Acts like he did you a favor.  Scumbag Steve
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