Scumbag Steve

hears you fart calls you out in front of your crush

hears you fart calls you out in front of your crush  Scumbag Steve

Quits smoking weed because he "doesn't need it" Starts taking antidepressants

Quits smoking weed because he

On welfare Has expensive phone, internet and cable

On welfare Has expensive phone, internet and cable   Scumbag Steve

Passes you on a double yellow line flips you off for going the speed limit

Passes you on a double yellow line flips you off for going the speed limit  Scumbag Steve

is your roommate, Never payed once, and smoked him out over a dozen times moves out cuz you have a "drug problem" then randomly calls cops to your room after the next 3 times you smoke

is your roommate, Never payed once, and smoked him out over a dozen times moves out cuz you have a

fuck kids my girl got an abortion bro #KONY 2012 BRO

fuck kids my girl got an abortion bro #KONY 2012 BRO   Scumbag Steve

Playing anivia, Team gets ganked while attempting baron casts crystallize at the entrance and watches our entire team die

Playing anivia, Team gets ganked while attempting baron casts crystallize at the entrance and watches our entire team die  Scumbag Steve

Shopping on a motorized cart Thinks line is long gets up and uses self checkout

Shopping on a motorized cart Thinks line is long 

gets up and uses self checkout  Scumbag Steve

Demands you write in short, clear sentences Makes you read nothing but long, confusing sentences

Demands you write in short, clear sentences Makes you read nothing but long, confusing sentences  Scumbag Steve

Complains about needing to be more efficient for monetary reasons Leaves light on while gone

Complains about needing to be more efficient for monetary reasons Leaves light on while gone  Scumbag Steve
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