Scumbag Steve

Eats his fast food in the parking lot throws trash outside his car window - 10 feet from trash can

Eats his fast food in the parking lot throws trash outside his car window - 10 feet from trash can  Scumbag Steve

Asks to join your study group Doesn't contribute anything

Asks to join your study group Doesn't contribute anything  Scumbag Steve

Finally pays rent check for the month Memo: Blowjob

Finally pays rent check for the month Memo: Blowjob  Scumbag Steve

Brags about how amazing BF3 is and how it blows cod out of the water. DOESN'T BUY BF3

Brags about how amazing BF3 is and how it blows cod out of the water. DOESN'T BUY BF3  Scumbag Steve

Eating alone Sits at a table for four

Eating alone Sits at a table for four  Scumbag Steve

You smoke him out He pockets your weed

You smoke him out He pockets your weed  Scumbag Steve

5000 'enemy missing' pings? Nice mia noob

5000 'enemy missing' pings? Nice mia noob  Scumbag Steve

Notices there's 5 minutes left before closing time comes in, orders, and stays to eat

Notices there's 5 minutes left before closing time comes in, orders, and stays to eat  Scumbag Steve

constantly complains about trolls in his games decides to troll and finds it hilarious

constantly complains about trolls in his games decides to troll and finds it hilarious  Scumbag Steve

Stops at the scene of a car accident Takes photo to upload onto facebook; doesn't offer to help

Stops at the scene of a car accident Takes photo to upload onto facebook; doesn't offer to help  Scumbag Steve
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