Scumbag Steve

Invites friends to dinner Doesn't pay

Invites friends to dinner Doesn't pay  Scumbag Steve

smokes your weed with you wont share drink because of germs

smokes your weed with you wont share drink because of germs  Scumbag Steve

Has never taken a college class his whole career bitches about tuition assistance going away

Has never taken a college class his whole career bitches about tuition assistance going away  Scumbag Steve

saves r/gonewild pictures on phone tells friends he got girls to send these to him

saves r/gonewild pictures on phone tells friends he got girls to send these to him  Scumbag Steve

Goes to phone shop sets password on demo phones

Goes to phone shop sets password on demo phones  Scumbag Steve

Gets caught talking in class "Wow. What a bitch"

Gets caught talking in class

Gets in trouble for breaking the law "Fuck cops"

Gets in trouble for breaking the law

Only reads the title of your thread Thumbs down and leaves out of context comment

Only reads the title of your thread Thumbs down and leaves out of context comment  Scumbag Steve

Finds out you are generous with your trees Compliments you incessantly, to try and get you to smoke him up.

Finds out you are generous with your trees Compliments you incessantly, to try and get you to smoke him up.  Scumbag Steve

sees the comment he was about to make was made already downvotes it

sees the comment he was about to make was made already downvotes it  Scumbag Steve
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