Scumbag Steve

Walks into empty bathroom with 3 urinals Uses middle one

Walks into empty bathroom with 3 urinals Uses middle one  Scumbag Steve

gets caught and dies in even game " i don't care its lost anway"

gets caught and dies in even game

Brags about how many girls he's been with gets pissed when one makes him wear a condom

Brags about how many girls he's been with gets pissed when one makes him wear a condom  Scumbag Steve

goes on reddit, facebook, and youtube during the movie he said he wanted you to show him "dude, that movie was so stupid. it didn't even make any sense."

goes on reddit, facebook, and youtube during the movie he said he wanted you to show him

Sits in middle of smoke circle Takes hits when ever he wants

Sits in middle of smoke circle Takes hits when ever he wants  Scumbag Steve

Asks for a few skittles "Really man? That's it?"

Asks for a few skittles

hey bro, i just got out of prison guess where i'm staying

hey bro, i just got out of prison guess where i'm staying  Scumbag Steve

on your team playing hardcore kill confirmed kills you and takes your osprey gunner care package

on your team playing hardcore kill confirmed kills you and takes your osprey gunner care package  Scumbag Steve

friend gets brutally injured "hang on a sec, dude. I need a pic of this for Reddit."

friend gets brutally injured

"Borrows" your only copy of Blue Version loses it and refuses to buy replacement

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