Scumbag Steve

Has six pack abs Doesn't post shirtless pics to facebook

Has six pack abs Doesn't post shirtless pics to facebook  Scumbag Steve

Cares that americans can't carry grenade launchers pursuant to the 2nd amendment Doesn't care that americans are being indefinitely detained without charges or trial in violation of the 5th Amendment

Cares that americans can't carry grenade launchers pursuant to the 2nd amendment Doesn't care that americans are being indefinitely detained without charges or trial in violation of the 5th Amendment  Scumbag Steve

Has smoked for 3 years stilll asks for empty gatorade bottle to make bong

Has smoked for 3 years stilll asks for empty gatorade bottle to make bong  Scumbag Steve

waits at the stoplight in right hand turning lane

waits at the stoplight in right hand turning lane  Scumbag Steve

Says he will throw in $20 Waits until we're on the way to say he's only got $12

Says he will throw in $20 Waits until we're on the way to say he's only got $12  Scumbag Steve

Gets something for free complains about it

Gets something for free complains about it  Scumbag Steve

Says you shouldn't smoke because it's bad for you gets blackout drunk at parties

Says you shouldn't smoke because it's bad for you gets blackout drunk at parties  Scumbag Steve

Sees taric get healed from his Q Why do you heal yourself noob ?

Sees taric get healed from his Q Why do you heal yourself noob ?  Scumbag Steve

spills beer all over your bed "calm down, bro"

spills beer all over your bed

clogs facebook feed with political crap for weeks doesnt vote

clogs facebook feed with political crap for weeks doesnt vote  Scumbag Steve
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