Scumbag Steve

says he has a condom doesnt have a condom

says he has a condom doesnt have a condom  Scumbag Steve

You have a nice tight ass Works at culvers

You have a nice tight ass Works at culvers  Scumbag Steve

Finds a spot in belk lot Refuses to drive for rest of semester

Finds a spot in belk lot Refuses to drive for rest of semester  Scumbag Steve

"Why do you waste all your time playing video games?" Goes back to watching Netflix

We should watch this movie. It has Morgan freeman. Actually Denzel Washington.

We should watch this movie. It has Morgan freeman. Actually Denzel Washington.  Scumbag Steve

Doesn't date anyone on apda Publicly gropes everyone in GA anyway

Doesn't date anyone on apda Publicly gropes everyone in GA anyway  Scumbag Steve

forces you to drive fast with trees doesn't help pay $900 speeding ticket.

forces you to drive fast with trees doesn't help pay $900 speeding ticket.  Scumbag Steve

Borrows Crayon Eats it

Borrows Crayon Eats it  Scumbag Steve

Tries to use slowpoke meme uses picture of slowbro.

Tries to use slowpoke meme uses picture of slowbro.  Scumbag Steve

Sees giant snowman tackles it

Sees giant snowman  tackles it  Scumbag Steve
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