Scumbag Steve

Shits in public toilet doesn't flush

Shits in public toilet doesn't flush  Scumbag Steve

Invites you on double date with two cute girls Burlesque Show

Invites you on double date with two cute girls Burlesque Show  Scumbag Steve

complains he never gets invited to anything doesn't show up when he's invited

complains he never gets invited to anything doesn't show up when he's invited  Scumbag Steve

orders steak well done complains how dry and tough it is

orders steak well done complains how dry and tough it is  Scumbag Steve

Promises to play tank. Locks Yi ten seconds before game starts. Calls you ragers for being mad at him.

Promises to play tank. Locks Yi ten seconds before game starts. Calls you ragers for being mad at him.   Scumbag Steve

"Hey bro can i play your xbox 360"? Red ring of death in 5 minutes

Cheats on Wife "the divorce is all her fault. she could have forgiven me"

Cheats on Wife

IS euphoric because of a phony god's blessing

IS euphoric because of a phony god's blessing  Scumbag Steve

gets new retail job starts telling managers how the store works and argues when told he's wrong

gets new retail job starts telling managers how the store works and argues when told he's wrong  Scumbag Steve

clogs your toilet doesn't tell you

clogs your toilet doesn't tell you  Scumbag Steve
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