Scumbag Steve

Lands on west indies and commits genocide Gets remembered for discovering america

Lands on west indies and commits genocide Gets remembered for discovering america  Scumbag Steve

"Oh ya, I get baked all the time" Coughs and blows weed out of bowl.

Claims to be a prejudiced subreddit less biased than r/politics

Claims to be a prejudiced subreddit less biased than r/politics  Scumbag Steve

Does not allow A/C because it's too expensive spends $150+ every weekend at bars

Does not allow A/C because it's too expensive spends $150+ every weekend at bars  Scumbag Steve

interesting story here's a similar one involving me that's slightly better

interesting story here's a similar one involving me that's slightly better   Scumbag Steve

Cuts in front of 200 car ferry line. Calls you a fucker for calling him out on it.

Cuts in front of 200 car ferry line. Calls you a fucker for calling him out on it.  Scumbag Steve

Says he's leaving EOC for 07scape because its "too easy to level up now" Total skill Level 1734

Says he's leaving EOC for 07scape because its

Comes from the 'country', is racist Loves rap music

Comes from the 'country',  is racist Loves rap music  Scumbag Steve

Girl at bar doesn't want to have sex with him Posts what she said as a Sexually Oblivious Female meme

Girl at bar doesn't want to have sex with him Posts what she said as a Sexually Oblivious Female meme  Scumbag Steve

ask about a jacket left at his house sorry bro, 24 hour rule

ask about a jacket left at his house sorry bro, 24 hour rule  Scumbag Steve
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