Scumbag Squidward

Has sex with a crabby patty cums mayo

Has sex with  a crabby patty cums mayo  Scumbag Squidward

thinks he's a musical genius sucks ass at clarinet

thinks he's a musical genius sucks ass at clarinet  Scumbag Squidward

claims he's in the croatian army to try and intimidate you

claims he's in the croatian army to try and intimidate you  Scumbag Squidward

Says he's beautiful has a penis for a nose

Says he's beautiful has a penis for a nose  Scumbag Squidward

Fuck dorm life even though i pay to live there im going home 5 days a week

Fuck dorm life even though i pay to live there im going home 5 days a week  Scumbag Squidward

if i had a dollar for ever fuck that i dont give id have one dollar

if i had a dollar for ever fuck that i dont give id have one dollar  Scumbag Squidward

Continually talks shit about glee Has seen every episode, and owns the first two seasons

Continually talks shit about glee Has seen every episode, and owns the first two seasons  Scumbag Squidward

Claims to hate spongebob cries when he eats exploding pie

Claims to hate spongebob cries when he eats exploding pie  Scumbag Squidward

Thinks hes better than everyone beceomes homeless without spongebob

Thinks hes better than everyone beceomes homeless without spongebob  Scumbag Squidward

when my crush is out with somebody else i never liked her

when my crush is out with somebody else i never liked her
  Scumbag Squidward
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