Scumbag Squidward

Doesn't Know how the internet works Censors it anyway

Doesn't Know how the internet works Censors it anyway  Scumbag Squidward

Hates bubble blowers Has a whole episode of him blowing bubbles

Hates bubble blowers Has a whole episode of him blowing bubbles  Scumbag Squidward

Makes fun of Spongebob and Patrick for using imagination Gets jelouse and wants to use it too

Makes fun of Spongebob and Patrick for using imagination Gets jelouse and wants to use it too  Scumbag Squidward

Sucks at art Calls Spongebob's masterpiece terrible

Sucks at art Calls Spongebob's masterpiece terrible  Scumbag Squidward

Practices his clarinet Never gets any better

Practices his clarinet Never gets any better  Scumbag Squidward

Hates spongebob for being himself Doesn't wear pants

Hates spongebob for being himself Doesn't wear pants  Scumbag Squidward

this dj sucks Has Never even listened to them

this dj sucks Has Never even listened to them  Scumbag Squidward

cymbalta can help.

cymbalta can help.  Scumbag Squidward

why you hatin' like my new snapback

    why you hatin' like my new snapback  Scumbag Squidward

woman operated motor vehicle through drive through new size of window i give food out of

woman operated motor vehicle through drive through new size of window i give food out of  Scumbag Squidward
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