Scumbag Santorum

Advocates capping medical malpractice to $250,000 Wife sued a chiropractor for $500,000

Advocates capping medical malpractice to $250,000 Wife sued a chiropractor for $500,000  Scumbag Santorum

This man wants to make 'The Handmaid's Tale' real

This man wants to make 'The Handmaid's Tale' real  Scumbag Santorum

Wants to make blowjobs illegal Has a dick sucking face

Wants to make blowjobs illegal Has a dick sucking face  Scumbag Santorum

Recognizes disproportionate incarceration of blacks under drug laws Still supports drug war

Recognizes disproportionate incarceration of blacks under drug laws Still supports drug war  Scumbag Santorum

I want to be President I'm super super cereal

I want to be President  I'm super super cereal  Scumbag Santorum

Opposes shariah law in free religion country Wants to implicate "catholic laws" if elected

Opposes shariah law in free religion country Wants to implicate

Pro-Life Aborts his campaign

Pro-Life Aborts his campaign  Scumbag Santorum

I just want to shrink government down to the size where we can Insert it in your vagina

I just want to shrink government down to the size where we can  Insert it in your vagina  Scumbag Santorum

I believe in women's rights and I will do everything in my power to destroy them

I believe in women's rights and I will do  everything in my power to destroy them  Scumbag Santorum

Against oral sex penis too small for oral sex

Against oral sex penis too small for oral sex  Scumbag Santorum
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