Scumbag Romney

Legalize marijuana you say? No, that means less for me.

Legalize marijuana you say? No, that means less for me.   Scumbag Romney

Appeals to black voters by singing "Who Let the Dogs Out"

Appeals to black voters by singing

wants to cut all arts spending holds rally at art museum

wants to cut all arts spending holds rally at art museum   Scumbag Romney

Fuck This Man

Fuck  This Man   Scumbag Romney

"i love black people!" Says black people's skin is black because they sinned against God

Lost election Blames minorities

Lost election Blames minorities   Scumbag Romney

Believes Native Americans are Jews That Snuck in to America, sinned against GOD and got black skin from Sin (seriously)

Believes Native Americans are Jews That Snuck in to America, sinned against GOD and got black skin from Sin (seriously)  Scumbag Romney

"I am not a nazi" Heil Hitler

Boy, these rappers and their beautiful mexicans... i gotta keep my mind free!

Boy, these rappers and their beautiful mexicans... i gotta keep my mind free!   Scumbag Romney

My time at Bain is an example of my ability to create jobs for America Fired more people than hired

My time at Bain is an example of my ability to create jobs for America  Fired more people than hired  Scumbag Romney
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