Scumbag Romney

pay no attention to that man behind the mask for i am the great and powerful job creator

pay no attention to that man behind the mask for i am the great and powerful job creator   Scumbag Romney

Ron Paul's speech has to be vetted and approved. Clint Eastwood can say whatever he wants.

Ron Paul's speech has to be vetted and approved.  Clint Eastwood can say whatever he wants.  Scumbag Romney

Condemns Obama on his foreign policy Doesn't want to talk about his own foreign poilcy

Condemns Obama on his foreign policy Doesn't want to talk about his own foreign poilcy   Scumbag Romney

I'll do the math doesn't do the math

I'll do the math doesn't do the math  Scumbag Romney

Says he pays too much taxes Has Swiss bank account to avoid paying taxes

Says he pays too much taxes Has Swiss bank account to avoid paying taxes   Scumbag Romney

My wacky religious beliefs are not a campaign issue I'm the only one who can defeat the secret Muslim!

 My wacky religious beliefs are not a campaign issue I'm the only one who can defeat the secret Muslim!   Scumbag Romney

23 Years Of Tax Returns ...and John McCain picked Sarah Palin

23 Years Of Tax Returns ...and John McCain picked Sarah Palin   Scumbag Romney

Government doesn't create jobs Running for a government job

Government doesn't create jobs Running for a government job   Scumbag Romney

Irate over boycot of Chick-fil-A, which donates money to deny civil rights. Applauds boycot of small business owner who saved firefighter's burnt down home because he hugged Obama.

Irate over boycot of Chick-fil-A, which donates money to deny civil rights.  Applauds boycot of small business owner who saved firefighter's burnt down home because he hugged Obama.    Scumbag Romney

You want me to tell you how I will make women's pay more equal because I'd like to tell you that I'm going to make jobs instead of answering your question

You want me to tell you how I will make women's pay more equal  because I'd like to tell you that I'm going to make jobs instead of answering your question    Scumbag Romney
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