Scumbag Rick Perry

Forces 11-year old girls to take gardasil after lobbied by manufacturer merck CDC reports 68 Deaths

Forces 11-year old girls to take gardasil after lobbied by manufacturer merck CDC reports 68 Deaths  Scumbag Rick Perry

gives tax breaks to corporations cuts welfare to poor americans

gives tax breaks to corporations cuts welfare to poor americans   Scumbag Rick Perry

I hate 3 types of People Blacks,Mexicans, and... ah... oops

I hate 3 types of People Blacks,Mexicans, and... ah... oops  Scumbag Rick Perry

Is presidential candidate and religious

Is presidential candidate and religious  Scumbag Rick Perry

From texas 'Nuff Said

From texas 'Nuff Said  Scumbag Rick Perry

Denies the science of climate change Does a rain dance for the christian god instead

Denies the science of climate change Does a rain dance for the christian god instead  Scumbag Rick Perry



I'm rick Perry and i approve this message America Approves anyone else as president

I'm rick Perry and i approve this message America Approves anyone else as president  Scumbag Rick Perry

Friend buys itunes movie for 3.99 on his laptop Find movie live streaming for free

Friend buys itunes movie for 3.99 on his laptop Find movie live streaming for free  Scumbag Rick Perry

Proud christian Doesn't love thy neighbor

Proud christian Doesn't love thy neighbor  Scumbag Rick Perry
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